General Terms of Business of Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz (TU Graz University Press)
- Range of application
All business relationships between Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz (“TU Graz University Press”), Technikerstraße 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria, hereafter TU Graz University Press on the one hand, and the customer on the other hand, shall be subject exclusively to the subsequent General Terms of Business in the version valid at the point in time of placement of the order.
- Conclusion of contract; placement of order
The display of the products in the webshop does not represent a legally binding offer. Before completing the order process, the customer shall be shown a survey of the products chosen together with the relevant customer data details and information concerning their dispatch and payment. In this way, the customer can once more check if the entries made by him/ her are correct. By clicking the button “kostenpflichtig bestellen” (“chargeable order”), the customer places a binding order with TU Graz University Press for conclusion of a purchase contract of the products contained in the shopping cart. The purchase contract is finalised upon the dispatch of the products ordered as described above.
- Price; maturity
Since Graz University of Technology is not a commercial enterprise, this service is not subject to VAT. The prices of the products do therefore not comprise any VAT. Any other costs, such as for packaging or dispatch are not included in the price of the products and are indicated and calculated separately. Prices are applicable as shown on the order date.
Payment must be effected without any discount within 30 days.
- Reservation of ownership
The delivered products shall remain the property of TU Graz University Press until payment is fully made, this including the full purchase price as well as any other costs to be borne by the customer.
- Warranty
The warranty period for defects shall be two years. In the case of a defect, the customer may request either the improvement of the defect or the replacement of the faulty product. However, the type of remedy chosen by the customer may be refused by TU Graz University Press if this would be impossible or would involve disproportionately high expenditure. If both the improvement or replacement are impossible or would involve disproportionately high costs for TU Graz University Press, the customer shall be entitled to a price reduction or, unless the defect is of a minor nature, to the right of conversion.
Any warranty claims are to be addressed as follows:
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz
Technikerstraße 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
Fax: +43-(0)316 873 6671
- Data protection
TU Graz University Press herewith expressly points out under the provisions of the data protection legislation that – in fulfilment of the purchase contract – names, occupations (trades), addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses as well as conditions of payment of the customers shall be stored on a data carrier by TU Graz University Press or a company commissioned by the latter for delivery purposes in the context of a computer-automated after-sales management (customer files, bookkeeping). Customer data will not be passed on to third parties unless in cases where this is necessary for the fulfilment of the placed order.
- Final provisions
Any modifications or changes to a purchase contract shall require written form to be valid, this including waiving the requirement of written form. Any ancillary oral agreements shall herewith be deemed invalid, and the contractual partners herewith state that no such ancillary oral agreements were made in the first place.
Should one or more provisions of this contract be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The contractual parties shall replace the invalid provision by a valid one that comes as close as possible to the intent of the invalid provision.
The contractual language shall be German, and shall be binding for the interpretation of these General Terms of Business. The Terms shall be governed by Austrian law to the exclusion of UN sales law (CISG).
The legal venue shall be Graz.