Clinical and experimental studies have highlighted that the human body continuously adapts in response to altering environmental factors, different lifestyles, aging, injuries, and diseases. To gain more insights into the causes and consequences of adaptation mechanisms in the cardiovascular system, one needs to understand better how stresses are distributed throughout the tissue and how cells can sense and convert mechanical forces into biochemical signals that ultimately modulate cell and tissue properties. In particular, this volume focuses on the biomechanical material modeling and simulation of phenomena at the nano, micro, and macro levels in fibrous soft tissues of the cardiovascular system. This includes the determination of more realistic stress distributions in healthy and aneurysmatic aortic walls, an analysis of the impact of the intracellular filament organization on the tissue remodeling rate, and a revised method to quantify shear deformations and corresponding stresses in planar biaxial tensile tests of the human ventricular myocardium.